
7th Nepalese Victorian Badminton Tournament: 7 July 2018


7th Victorian Nepalese Badminton Tournament is progressing well. This tournament is being organized by Nepalese Association of Victoria (NAV) and Eastern Warriors Sports Club. Each suburb, interstate and country co-ordinators have been requested to prepare and submit the participants list for the tournament for their suburbs/states/country. Please provide your name and participation categories to your area co-ordinators (please refer the attachment for co-ordinator’s contact details)

Badminton Registration Contact : Details of Coordination committee

Please note that the categories listed below are based on the assumptions that there will at least 5 participant/ pair (in case of doubles) in each category. In the event of not meeting the above requirements, we might merge the categories.

Any player is eligible to register maximum two categories.

The detail of the tournament is as follows:


Tournament Day:

Saturday, 7th of July 2018

Time table:

Registration:      8.30 -9:15 am

Game starts:      9:30am (sharp)

Game Finishes: 6.00 pm

Award Distribution Ceremony:   6.00 pm- 7.00 pm


Vermont South Sport Link (Ph: 03 9847 7111)

2 Hanover Rd, Vermont South

Mel Way Ref 62G7.

Registration closing Date:

Sunday 24th of June 2018

Please refer below for the co-ordinator’s contact details for Registration.

Match Categories

1.         U15 Girls

2.         U15 Boys

3.         Men’s Single: Open Category Men (16 years- 40 Years)

4.         Men’s Single: Over 40 Years

5.         Women’s Single

6.         Men’s Doubles Open Category (16- 40 Years)

7.         Men’s Doubles: Over 40 Years

8.         Women’s Doubles

9.         Mixed Doubles

10.       Under 10 Kids Fun

Please contact or send an email to the following people for the registration by Sunday 24th of June 2018.

Coordination committee:

Madhu Pokhrel:                0422 220 512 (mspokhrel12@gmail.com)

Bhasker Amatya:              0402 486 971 (bhasker_amatya@hotmail.com)

Anup Rana:                         0406 144 132 (rana_anup@hotmail.com)