Message from the President (17/03/2014)

On behalf of Nepalese Association of Victoria (NAV), we would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who participated in NAV 2014 election, to all the members, officials and volunteers & media who have tirelessly made this election successful. Well done everyone!
We would also like to thank all the candidates who put up their hand to be a part of the NAV committee. For all of you (Amrita, Hari, Madhav, Govinda Rupert and Hari Ram ji) who missed out to be in the committee, we thank you and sincerely commend your commitment and interest to work as volunteers for our committee. The positions in the committee may have been allocated as required by our constitution however what’s important is that we recognise these candidates for their enthusiasm to contribute to our community. We will ensure that all candidates and any interested volunteers in the community are given a fair chance to be involved in planning and implementation of NAV’s projects and agenda for 2014-2016.
We are currently in a transition phase finalizing the handover of administration tasks from the former committee to the new one. We will shortly put forward the NAV’s agenda for 2014-2016 and we encourage you to be a part of these initiatives to successfully implement our vision to take our community forward in Victoria.
NAV will continue to work as a fair and a transparent organisation and promote community inclusiveness encouraging community participation and feedback. If you have any feedback, complaints or compliments, please feel free to send an email to president [at] We’re here to listen to you.
Our community. Our Strength.
Sudhir Shakya
NAV President