
Nav Election on Sat, 2 April 2016 Election Committee Appointed.



The executive committee of the Nepalese Association of Victoria (NAV) has decided to hold the election of the new NAV executive committee on Saturday, 2nd April 2016. The executive committee has appointed a 5-member Election Committee to conduct, manage and oversee the election of the new NAV executive committee for the term 2016-2018 in accordance with the constitution of NAV.

NAV Advisor Jog Limbu has been appointed as an Election Commissioner with Anamika Rai, Sunil Bhandari, Shree Panta and Surendra Sedhai as election committee members. The NAV executive committee has express its full confidence in the Election Committee to conduct the election in a fair and transparent manner.

Election of the executive committee is held every two years and will elect following office bearers and the committee members.
•    President x 1
•    Vice President x 2 (including 1 Female Vice President)
•    Treasurer x 1
•    Committee Members x 5

The Election Committee will publish full details of the election schedule and the requirements shortly. All elected related notification will be published at https://www.nav.org.au/election2016.

In the mean time, NAV calls upon all of its current members to renew it NAV membership and requesting new member to register for their membership for 2016-2018 by midnight 4 March 2016 to be eligible for voting and candidacy. There’s no membership fees payable to become general members, as per the decision made by the executive committee in 2015.

Membership form can be completed online at NAV website www.nav.org.au/membership. Life members are not required to renew their membership. A list of NAV life members are listed on NAV Website https://www.nav.org.au/lifemembers.

We look forward to your continued support to your own organisation as always.

Our Community. Our Strength.

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Media Inquiries:
Manisha Rai, Email: secretary@nav.org.au