NAV to Organize Information and Networking Session for International Student and Graduate Nurses

2 May 2016
NAV is going to organize an information and networking session for graduate and student Nurses on 29 May 2016. This program will target mainly international student nurses and is driven by experienced and passionate nurses to support their fellow colleagues, assist them in their adjustment in Victoria and provide them support and opportunity for networking. This program is expected to be beneficial to all the international nursing students from South Asian background. Nurses from Nepalese or any other backgrounds are most welcome. This is a free event and prior registration is not necessary. However for the purpose of seating and catering/light refreshment, please send your interest to
Please note that maximum capacity for this program is 50.
Also, any senior nurses wishing to be a mentor of student and graduate nurses please send your expression of interest to the above email.
Program speakers and discussion topics:
1. Laxmi Pokhrel: Transition from Nepalase Nurse Qualification to Australian
2. Coleen Rolls: Challenges for Student Nurses
3. Anamika Rai: Getting into Grad Year and Beyond
4. Jamuna Parajuli: Clinical and Non Clinical areas of jobs post registration
5. Catherine Wright, ANMF Representative : How can ANMF Support?
6. Espandan Karki, RMA: Migration Matters for Nurses
Date: 29/05/2016 Sunday
Venue: Consulate General of Nepal to Victoria, Level 7, 28-32 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000
Time: 12:30-4 PM
This program is supported by Didi Bahini Samaj and Consulate General of Nepal to Victoria.