Nepali Community Centre Fund Raising Dinner

18 June 2016
NAV encourages all its members and well-wishers to attend and contribute with open arms in the forthcoming Nepali Community Centre fundraising dinner to be held in Brunswick, Melbourne on 24 June 2016.
Nepali Community Centre (Registered as ANMC) is a joint initiative of NAV, NRNA Australia (VIC), supported by all Nepalese community organisations and passionate individuals. The sole objective of ANMC is to undertake the responsibility of establishing and operation our own community center. It will also initiate and enact all necessary formalities to establish the centre. It is very important to clarify that ANMC is not just another parallel community organization but a mutual collaboration of the whole community with distinct objective.
As number of Nepali origin people has increased to several thousands in Victoria, the need of such an amenity has been felt more that ever before. This fund raising dinner is one of the many activities being organized to collect the fund as well as raise awareness among ourselves.